Recently I found some natural recipes from The Green Beauty Guide I thought I would share. I love the homemade baby wipes and diaper rash solution. Check out these five basic recipes that you can use to prepare wonderfully effective and totally green beauty products at home saving time, money, and planet. Each recipe can be prepared in 3 minutes or less and costs only a few cents per application.
1. Cucumber Lifting Face Mask
Chop 1/2 cucumber and blend in a food processor with 3 mint leaves and a pinch of sea salt. This mask de-puffs and tightens sallow, dull skin.
2. Homemade Baby Wipes
Combine 1 cup witch hazel, 1 tablespoon glycerin, 1/2 cup strong green tea, and 1/2 cup rosewater. Shake well until blended. Pour the mix into a container with a lid. Fill the container with squares of clean muslin cloth or cheese cloth, so that they are fully soaked with the herbal solution. Keep in cool place and use the wipes during 10 days. Then prepare a new batch. Adding vitamin C (up to 1/4 tsp) will extend the shelf life up to one month or even more.
3. Diaper rash solution
Combine green tea, fennel, chamomile and rosehip (1 teabag each) in a coffee press and fill it with hot water. Steep for five minutes and strain. Use the cool tea to spray on the sore areas. You can also use the herbal infusion on your face.
4. Acne Mask
Make a puree of 1 sweet onion, 1 garlic clove, 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp aloe juice in a food processor. Prepare several gauze pads the size of your face (cut out the round holes for eyes, since you don’t need the onion puree anywhere near eyes) and soak them in the smelly goo. Apply to your face for 10 minutes or until the mix dries up. Carefully remove and rinse the face clean.
5. Banana Bliss Hair Pack
This mask prevents and treats hair loss. Mash 1 ripe banana with 2 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp brandy or cognac, and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. Apply generously to shampooed, towel-dried hair, cover with PVC-free shower cap and let sit for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
The Green Beauty Guide delivers useful and innovative information to natural beauty fans around the world. You can visit them at: Want to learn more natural beauty recipes? Be sure to check out The Green Beauty Guide.
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